Senin, 20 Mei 2013


Kocchi Muite! Miiko is a Japanese ongoing Manga series about a fifth grader female actress Miiko Yamada, created by Comicus Eriko Ono (Later Tatsuya Kijima). This is the first series of Miiko Yamada TV Series. USA and Australia promoted it as Miiko Yamada: The Series. The manga series tells a one by one episode of Miiko and Friends. The anime is starred by Miiko Yamada and Tappei Eguchi.

It was adapted as a 240 episode anime television series by Toei Animation, which was broadcast on TV Asahi from February 14, 1998 to February 6, 1999, as part of the Anime Syuukan DX! Mi-Pha-Pu anime series.

Miiko Yamada was born in Tokyo in 5 May 1974. She was beloved as the first child of her family. Despite to her full intelligence, she can help anyone when they need a scratching girl. Her father raised her in Okinawa city when her mother is at Fukuoka city. She met a young boy Tappei who was born in January 10, 1967 at school, who helped her from her back being injured by naughty 2nd grade students, who had made her to cry loudly. At her first day of a long holiday, after the end of Kocchi Muite! Miiko-Chan, she and Tappei travel to a stranded treasure island. While Tappei wears his T-Shirt and Jeans, Miiko wears a blue and red coloured one piece swimsuit. (Blue is on Top, Red is the bottom). They went there for a holiday and treasure hunting. After the mission has been completed, Miiko and Tappei return safely and there is the series. The last episode is where Miiko and Tappei run a dangerous deadly marathon, where only 2 of them survived, destroying a massive bull with a railroad train assembly. That episode is: The Run. After Miiko and Tappei win, Miiko and the others change to a new form. Miiko has spiked hair, Mari loses weight, and Yukko gets 2 long twin tails. Kenta’s hair turns to flame style. Tappei gets taller, and Yoshida gets smarter.

Yamada Miiko
Shimura Mari

Ogawa Yuuko

Satou Kenta

Eguchi Tappei

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